Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu brothers and sisters in Islam.Its my honour & rahamat to Allah that I present to you, the "Easy Quran Hafiz" (Quran Memorization / Quran Memorizer) app in the market today."Easy Quran Hafiz " is a free Islamic educational app that helps you how to memorize The Holy Quran easily. And it has supported translation and transliteration in English.Coming soon:The app also has a built-in Quran which you can read Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Bengali, etc translation. App insights dawned upon me while trying to memorize some surahs by myself.l have created this app for one and only one purpose i.e. to easy memorization of the Al-Quran.MAIN FEATURES*Aaya wise memorization*Mark every Aaya as memorized*Selecting a range of Aaya for memorization.*Repeat range of Aaya for memorization*Translation *TransliterationReference All Audio Source Surah and Translation Source: Transliteration Source: